Front Row; Left to Right: Elizabeth Kabaroff,
Tena Osachoff, Dorthy Ozeroff, Marion Riben, Camellea Konkin,
Florence Riben, Elizabeth Kalesnikoff, Della Konkin.
Row; Left to Right: Judith Androsoff, Mercedes Riben,
Agatha Stupnikoff, Betty Cheveldayoff, Deanne Konkin, Vera
Cheveldayoff, Mabel Androsoff, Doreen Konkin, Lillian Perverseff,
Helen Kalesnikoff, Lily Nesteroff.
Row; Left to Right: Peter Riben, William Kalmakoff,
Sam Cheveldayoff, Lawrence Osachoff, Fred Kalesnikoff, Sam
Stupnikoff, Director - Peter Kalesnikoff, Sam Popoff, john
Androsoff, Micheal Ozeoff, Fred Konkin, Co-Director - Joseph
Perverseff, William Riben.
Angeline Postnikoff, Alex Postnikoff.
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