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Of Interest: Special
   Of Interest, rare clips/media/items;
some never seen or heard via the Internet
*Some of these can be found throughout, but we've collated them in one easy-to-view tab for those that didn't 'explore' all links provided.

The Psalmist Project represents in digital form, a collection of just a few Psalms (and some Hymns) that are still practiced today by some Doukhobors – that they learned as their forefathers did; by hearing, listening, rehearsing, and participating. The audio in the collection was recorded with high quality digital equipment in 2008 and 2009 – apparent when listening.

What follows is a rare but complete collection in that this double CD set is now out of production (only a few hard-to-come-by sets remain) and that a certain other online collection exhibits only part of this double set. The full 30-selection collection (including recitals) is available via this portal for listening or free download.

* This is a very large archive that depending on your Internet speed, may take a while to load. Please be patient.

01. Новый Год бежит Grand Forks Psalmists
The New Year has arrived and a wonder so new lies in yonder manger. Heaven has given us the Son of Wisdom and Light. At the time, no place could be found where the Virgin Mary could give birth...
Recital: Marion Demosky
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02. Глаголет Господь в трубе отрока Своего Grand Forks Psalmists
The Lord proclaimeth through His Chosen Son. Take my firm guiding hand, love each other fully and completely and you will gain confirmation and my Heavenly Blessings... (#13)
Recital: Christine Medvedeff
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03. С высоты ас Глаголет Господьо Grand Forks Psalmists
From on high the Lord sayeth unto the land of Judea. From the earth mountains have risen anew. On the mountains appears a sea of white. In the midst of the sea stands a rock of brilliant white...
Recital: John Harasemow
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04. Внезапно меня братья, смертный час постиг Grand Forks Psalmists
Suddenly, my brethren, my fateful hour has arrived. Last evening, my brethren, we spent in conversation, by morning I lie in my casket. Gather round me for the last time, my brethren, to bid me farewell on my lоng journey home...
Recital: Marion Demosky
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05. Духоборец тот, кого избрал Христос для воплощения Своего Grand Forks Psalmists
A Doukhobor is one whom Christ has chosen for the continued embodiment of His spirit. The Spirit of God dwells on earth within a physical body, through which is emanated Eternal Wisdom... (#15) 
Recital: Mabel Novokshonoff
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06.  Пение псалмов - душам нашим украшение  Krestova Psalmists
The singing of psalms is an adornment to our souls...
Recital: Vera Podmoroff
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07.  Исповемся Тебе, Бог жив мой, исповемся Тебе Krestova Psalmists
We profess You, my living God, we profess You....
Recital: Katya Podmoroff
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08.  Батюшка наш Цапь Израилев....  Krestova Psalmists
Our Father, the King of the Israel...
Recital: Polly Nevokshonoff
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09. Krestova Psalmists
Recital: Vera Podmoroff
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10. Krestova Psalmists
Recital: Helen Kinakin
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11. Воскреснет Бог Slocan Valley Psalmists
God shall arise, and His hand shall be supreme.
Recital: Edna Saprikin
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12. Искони и до Днесь Slocan Valley Psalmists
From The Beginning То The Present Time (#19)
Recital: Lewie Verigin
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13. Сойдемся Мы Братья
Slocan Valley Psalmists
Let Us Gather Brothers (#28)
Recital: Mike Jmieff
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14. Трубы Громогласны
Slocan Valley Psalmists
The trumpets that proclaim as loud as thunder, they are beautified as with gold encased. They have proclaimed forth since the time of John....
Recital: Mike Jmieff
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15. Чистая Дева Мария 
Slocan Valley Psalmists
The chaste Virgin Mary, coming from the most pious and devout origin, has born us a Son - Jesus. Thou blessed mother...
Recital: Nina Jmieff
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