Union of Youth Local from USCC Community Sion-Oobezhishche in Grand Forks, photographed at the 11 th Annual Festival, April 26-27,1958. Males (l. to r.): Lorne Dergousoff, Bill Planidin, Mike Varabioff, Nick Ozeroff, Bill Kazakoff, Mike Horkoff, Mitch Zibin, Peter Foodikoff, Kay Osachoff, Bill Lazeroff, Bill Astofooroff, Steve Horkoff, Harry Lazeroff, Bill Babakaiff, Nick Novokshonoff; Females (standing, l. to r.): (?), Katie Gooliaff, Marion Obedkoff, Laura Kalmakov, Elaine Faminoff, Mae Koftinoff, Vera Kootnekoff, Helen Novokshonoff, Betty Seminoff, Marie Kootnekoff; (sitting, l. to r.): (?), Anne Horkoff, Vera Novokshonoff, Polly Lazeroff, Evelyn Planidin.
Photo courtesy of BIRCHES Publishing
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